Happy MarriageWe have been already 25 years together and our marriage has undergone many ups and downs, including small self created hells, on different locations and amidst different cultures to finally blossom as real happy marriage. After we have realized all mistakes from the past, it is now time to share some of our experiences and help you avoid the same mistakes in your own love relationship. The chapter is just to elaborate this very important topic. You can also read some of ours Spiritual lessons of life to strengthen your marriage and improve your Family life. Starting your love relationshipI am sure there are but few only, considering anything, before they start to even think about relationship and marriage. Most of us act too hastily and realize what is done facing the consequences afterwards. Some of the major common mistakes at the start might be:
Parents' interference may ruin a love relationship within short period of time and thus cause damages for a life time. Parents are adults with their own lessons in life, their goals in life, their wishes, likes and dislikes, thoughts, actions etc. and spiritually there is absolutely no benefit from living together with parents.
Widely spread in today's Western world, it could bring so much devastation and distress in a marriage, which can never be recovered after that.
The funny thing here is that most of us think " But if I have more money and high social status it will be better for my family." Absolutely wrong! If we are honest enough we see that all this is to satisfy our own ego.
Life is going wrong direction - no more love relationship in marriageAs the life progressed, after the initial period when we still loved each other and could easily forgive each other, the more mistakes and problems were accumulated and we were drifting apart more and more. Each of us created own world to live in. Until one day, when I clearly saw that I am in a position with no valuable goal and content in life. In other words - dead-end. And as usually happens ( years later when I become aware of God's presense I realized that God is always closely watching all his children and doing the best for all ) the first serious warning came: close to death incident. Such warning calls for complete life review and change of direction. This is how my search for God and my Spiritual awakening started and I was extremely lucky to find shortly a physical Guru, who himself had already achieved God-realization in this incarnation. And to make the change really complete, we got the chance to move to another country and start everything from scratch - we won "green cards" and immigrated to USA. Here we go! We started building our happy marriage and love relationship. Visiting our Guru for spiritual marriage counseling and healing, practicing Kriya Yoga on a regular basis, following and applying in our life the complete Teachings of Love helped us to reach the point when we can state:![]()
Happy marriage is but result of application of LOVE in our daily lives. ![]() God bless all |